Sonntag, 22. Januar 2012

Galactic Federation Of Light High Council Of Orion January 21 2012

"... We guide YOU to look at YOUr uniqueness and we guide YOU to look at those around YOU and to stop comparing YOUrself. Under the old energies those who stood apart and took a stance were instantly rejected and that served to control and contain many across the planet. The new energies support and nurture, they are here to help YOU stand as YOU, there is a difference in making a stand and standing as YOU, can YOU FEEL it? For when YOU stand as YOU the universe clearly sees YOU and hears YOU. Many are trying to manifest and to create whilst hiding within the confines of the old energies. The universe will not be able to see YOU if YOU are not visible. How do YOU become visible? YOU issue a clear and audible note, that is within YOUr energy signature. When YOU are YOU, when YOU can FEEL safe and secure then YOU have found YOUr note and can then sing the song that is YOU to the universe and the universe will respond. ..."

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