Samstag, 30. Juni 2012

Engelbotschaft für Juli 2012

"... Oftmals habt Ihr gelernt, Eure Aufmerksamkeit auf das zu lenken, was nicht funktioniert. Ihr konzentriert die kostbare Bewusstseinskraft auf den Schatten in Eurem Leben und habt dann sogar Angst vor ihm. Ihr baut das Negative auf, indem Ihr Euch darauf konzentriert und wundert Euch dann, dass es immer größer wird. 
   Nährt das Lichtvolle, das Schöne, das Fließende in Eurem Leben! 
Konzentriert Eure wundervolle Bewusstseinsenergie auf Eure Vorlieben, auf Eure Ziele und darauf, dass Ihr es verdient habt, glücklich zu sein. 
Um das noch leichter tun zu können braucht Ihr im Grunde nur eines: Klarheit. ..."

Vielen Dank, Sonja, das spricht mir wieder aus der Seele!

Monatsbotschaft für Juli 2012 - Erzengel Raziel

Mike Quinsey - SaLuSa, June 29, 2012

Mike Quinsey - SaLuSa, June 29, 2012

Understand that many souls who do not ascend have not necessarily failed to lift themselves up, but have planned their experiences in that way. So do not judge others who follow a different path to you, and allow for them to have the same choices as you have had to map your own destiny. Your freedom may be taken from you at times but it will always be returned by divine right. Remember God and remember Mother Gaia as both are like your parents, they have always been watching you and providing you with help. It has been given even if you have not known the source of it, and now it would be nice for you to acknowledge it and show your gratitude. A loving thought or prayer would bring even more Love and Light back to you, and that is the Law of Attraction working at its highest level.

Mike Quinsey - SaLuSa, June 29, 2012

Mike Quinsey - SaLuSa, June 29, 2012

"... Macht euch klar, dass viele Seelen, die jetzt noch nicht aufsteigen, nicht etwa versagt haben darin, sich weiter aufwärts zu entwickeln, sondern dass sie diese Erfahrungen in dieser Weise vorausgeplant haben. So verurteilt nicht Andere, wenn sie zurzeit noch einen anderen Weg als ihr verfolgen, sondern räumt ein, dass sie die gleiche Entscheidungsfreiheit haben, wie ihr sie hattet darin, euer eigenes Schicksal zu planen. Es kann sein, dass euch eure Freiheit zuweilen genommen ist, aber durch göttliches Recht wird sie euch immer wieder zurückgegeben. Behaltet Gott und Mutter Gaia im Gedächtnis, denn beide sind wie eure Eltern, die immer über euch gewacht haben und euch mit Hilfe versorgt haben. Diese Hilfe wurde euch auch dann zuteil, wenn ihr deren Quelle nicht kanntet, und jetzt wäre es schön, wenn ihr diese Hilfe anerkennen würdet und eure Dankbarkeit zeigen würdet. Ein liebevoller Gedanke oder ein Gebet würde noch mehr LIEBE und LICHT zu euch zurückholen, denn das ist die Gesetzmäßigkeit wechselseitiger Anziehung, die da auf höchstem Niveau wirksam ist. ..."

Decoding Deepak

Freitag, 29. Juni 2012

Opernfestspiele St. Margarethen - Opernfestspiele Römersteinbruch St. Margarethen, Burgenland / Saison 2012 – Oper, Kinderoper, Open-Air-Konzerte

Opernfestspiele St. Margarethen - Opernfestspiele Römersteinbruch St. Margarethen, Burgenland / Saison 2012 – Oper, Kinderoper, Open-Air-Konzerte

Bald schon geht es wieder los in St. Margarethen mit dem eindrucksvollen Schauspiel im Steinbuch - immer einen Besuch wert.  Diesmal "Carmen"!


UFOS über New York ...

Galactic Federation Of Light SaLuSa June 27 2012

"... You should savor the coming times as you claim back your sovereignty, as it is nothing less than you deserve for having been treated as slaves for so long. As individuals it does not matter too much what you may have done in the past, as you came to Earth to experience duality. All of you have had your ups and downs and it is what you are today that really counts. It comes down to having learnt the lessons that you needed to evolve, and you will all know how you stand in that respect. If you consider yourself to be of the Light you are undoubtedly on that path, and are unloading any baggage that you have accumulated. You are beginning to understand your true self, and live up to your desire to be of the Light and you will know better than anyone else how you are doing. Be of good heart, compassionate and loving to all souls and if you are able to do so, you are well on the way to ascending. ..."

Montag, 25. Juni 2012

Der Rosenquarz - Engel der Liebe

Engelbotschaft vom 25. Juni bis 01. Juli - Conny Koppers

Danke, Conny und Ingrid Auer, ist wieder ganz wunderbar. Die Liebe - wurde mir schon lange bewusst, dass sie das Wichtigste ist.

Jede Zelle meines Körpers ist glücklich

Das kann man sich wirklich immer wieder vorsingen - besonders, wenn es wo zwackt! *** For my English friends:
"Every cell of my body is happy, every cell of my body feels good. Every cell on every point feels totally good. --- As I see, it works with the melody in English, too.

Donnerstag, 21. Juni 2012

Galactic Federation Of Light SaLuSa June 20 2012

"... All of you have experienced stages where you have gone against the Light. However, with few exceptions you have understood the reasons that brought it about, and stand today as examples of those who have overcome the challenges of duality. You are all the stronger for it and that is indeed the reason you elected to spend many lives in the lower dimensions. We now see the most beautiful souls amongst you who have achieved a level of mastery and Light, that wherever they go are magnificent beacons of Light helping others awaken. As we see it the mass consciousness is rapidly growing and that is another guarantee that you have a definite path to Ascension.
  Whatever happens around you or directly to you stay strong and any problems should be quickly resolved, as you are now clearly on the upward curve and leaving the lower energies behind. In fact so many of you are drawing a clear line between yourselves and the old energies that no longer satisfy your desire for the pure things in life. It can cause difficulties between family and friends but you have to follow your own needs. You are in a time of self realization and discovering who you really are, and no longer beholden to the opinions of others. If necessary make your own pathway to Ascension and allow others to do the same. Loved ones may also be involved but they too must follow their intuition, and we reiterate that the love link will always be there.
  In the near future you will if so desired, travel by thought and that is instantaneous. So your loved ones will never be totally out of your reach. With each life you have spent on Earth your close relationships have been extremely limited, particularly as you tend to incarnate with the same group of souls. However, you do in fact have many great relationships formed over a very long period of time, and once you have ascended you will remember them again. Many await your upliftment so that friendships can be renewed and not least of all your real family, who you will instantly know. You can understand that there will be much to celebrate in grand style. ..."

Dienstag, 19. Juni 2012

Engelbotschaft vom 18. bis 24. Juni 2012 - Conny Koppers

Das ist wieder soooo gut, fast jeder Satz für mich passend und wichtig, danke Conny und Ihr Engel. Transformation, Veränderung, Heilung - schon Sonntag abends sagte mir Reza Ketabi Pour, dass am Montag in seinem Vortrag viel in diese Richtung geschehen wird - und es geschah. Alles fließt ineinander - diese Wochenbotschaft, der Abend mit P. A. Straubinger und Reza, Neumond - ein Neubeginn.

Galactic Federation Of Light SaLuSa June 18 2012

"... Now we see the wonderful awakening attracting so much Light to Earth, and many souls acting as beacons of Light that show the way to others. Indeed, many of you have incarnated into this period of time specifically to help others, and have come in from the higher levels. Such souls have known from an early age that they had arrived to carry out a special mission, and they now stand out as your leaders and guides for the final thrust to Ascension. As you progress spiritually you will easily accept the understanding that you are all One, and it is the most natural urge to want to help others to uplift themselves. Separation created by the dark Opens is no longer working in spite of their attempts to set you at each others throats. You are seeing through their attempts to create a climate of fear that keeps you apart, and religion has also to take its share of the of blame.  
   Already the higher energies are transmuting the lower ones, and Light is beginning to penetrate those regions of the world where the darkness has remained for many centuries. The bloodshed and the cries of those caught up in it have left a legacy that is only now able to be removed. The cleansing will go on until Mother Earth is once again restored to her pristine condition. It will commence before Ascension and continue immediately after when the conditions will have already been improved. There is still a lot to do but with our coming together the tasks will be quickly dealt with, and it will not be long now before our arrival can be announced. ..."

Donnerstag, 14. Juni 2012

Wie du durch Gedanken dein Leben änderst

Eine ganz wunderbare Zusammenfassung und Erklärung von Conny Koppers der kosmischen Prinzipien - danke, Conny:
1. Alles ist eins!
2, Du bist das, was Du denkst!
3. Du ziehst das an, was Du denkst!
4. Alles ist in perfekter Ordnung!
5. Alles ist wandelbar!

Galactic Federation Of Light SaLuSa June 13 2012

"... The horror story that you have lived will soon be the fairy tale that has come true through your dreams of Utopia. The Golden Age is truly going to be one that will fulfill your dreams, and take you on some incredible journeys. Time will cease to exist and life will be infinite in a never ending series of wonderful experiences. We know that the idea of "no-time" is hard to comprehend but you will take to it quite easily. Imagine that everything happens in the now and on a circular plane, and that you can come and go at any point that you choose. Time would be unnecessary and inadequate to live by, and of no consequence. ...

Louise Hay Tells Her Self-Publishing Story

Great Louise! Inspiring to hear her story by herself.

Mittwoch, 13. Juni 2012

Gregg Braden: The Spontaneous Healing of Belief

This is a good one! Emphasizes it again, that we are the creaators of our life!

Galactic Federation Of Light Sheldan Nidle June 12 2012

"...We fully intend to help these sacred societies bring forth this wonderful information as it sets the stage for a host of revelations that will be announced by the Ascendant Masters. Moreover, it will finally allow us, too, to begin a series of educational broadcasts on true Earth history. These early discussions may at first disconcert you; nevertheless, they constitute an introduction to a whole lineup of talks which will allow you to get a handle on your true origins and history. This too is likely to surprise you, but in the long run we are confident that the truth will bring you joy. It will be proof positive that a brand new era is upon you!
    These coming changes are what every one of you has been longing for deep down. Even the dark cabalists intuitively understand what is to happen. It is only their fear-laden worldview that has made them so apprehensive about this shift. It is quite simply a time that has been prophesied through the ages by every major religion and tradition on your world. It is a golden time that you are about to experience, and is the reason for our being here now, as we may have mentioned before! The logistics of what is being prepared are complex, but the essence of the thing is quite simple. The old, dark ways of your global societies will suddenly disappear and be replaced by something sane and healthy. It was hoped to have it all in place a decade and a half ago, but the shifting conditions on planet Earth demanded a certain flexibility. This abrupt redoing of your reality is an essential preparatory step which leads to the grand event of our mass landings. This will put you on a highway to full consciousness. It will bring you to Inner Earth and your metamorphosis into fully conscious Beings of Light. ...!

Dienstag, 12. Juni 2012

O Maria, Gnadenvolle, Dom Luxemburg, 10. 5. 2012

"O Maria, Gnadenvolle", gesungen von René Federspiel und Ingrid Maria Linhart in der Krypta des Doms zu Luxemburg, der Kathedrale unserer Lieben Frau - Cathédrale Notre Dame. Wir waren, ausgehend von dem Europa-Rally der KAJ 1964, mit einer Gruppe in Luxemburg, Metz und Trier. Drei von den Freunden, die damals von einem vereinten Europa träumten, waren noch dabei. Das Europa-Lied von damals ist in vielen Punkten heute noch genauso aktuell.


O Maria Gnadenvolle
schönste Zier der Himmelsaun
Blicke huldvoll auf uns nieder
die wir kindlich dir vertraun
Tu uns deine Milde kund! 
Segne Mutter unsern Bund
Segne Mutter, segne Mutter
segne Mutter unsern Bund

Dich zu lieben, dir zu dienen
dir als Vorbild immerdar 
treu im Leben nachzuwandeln 
hat vereint sich uns´re Schar
Lieb und Lob aus Herz und Mund 
bringt dir, Mutter, unser Bund
bringt dir, Mutter, bringt dir, Mutter
bring dir, Mutter unser Bund

Sieh wir legen dir zu Füßen 
ohne Vorbehalt das Herz
ordne alle seine Triebe
lenk sie alle Himmelwärts
Mach von heil´ger Liebe wund
alle Seelen in dem Bund...

Liebe Mutter, in Versuchung
sei mit deiner Liebe wach
daß wir niemals wanken, fallen
denn wir sind so arm und schwach
Stärk uns in des Kampfes Stund´
und erhalte rein den Bund...

Durch dich hoffen wir zu siegen
die der Schlange Kopf zertrat
Ob auch Stürme uns umtoben
ob auch schwere Prüfung naht
dir vertraut als festem Grund
Gottesmutter unser Bund....

Laß den Bund dir wohlgefallen
dieses Blümlein zart und jung
zieh es groß im Gnadenlichte
hüt es vor Beschädigung
dir zum Preis in weiter Rund
laß erblühen unsern Bund...

Umgetextet von mir, die 4. Strophe!

Liebe Mutter, in Versuchung
bist mit deiner Liebe wach,
werden niemals wanken, fallen,
sind mit dir voll Kraft und wach.
Stärkst uns in des Kampfes Stund’,
wahrest rein stets unsern Bund

Galactic Federation Of Light SaLuSa June 08 2012

"... We note that your weather patterns are being affected by the changes of energy upon Earth. That too will eventually settle down and ultimately it will be more stable, pleasant and comfortable. We would also add that physical changes will be much less damaging than was once considered to be likely. You can take some credit for this situation as you have lifted the vibrations upon Earth and it has brought about a more balanced ecosystem. It will continue to improve until you have the ideal balance that suits everyone and also other forms of life. In fact in the future there will be little if any variation, and changes will be controlled automatically.
   Although your computer knowledge has advanced very quickly in some ways it is still in its infancy, but will progress in leaps and bounds once you can work with us. By now many will know that our systems involve organic computers with truly a mind of their own, that surpass any individual ability and are capable of running our ships in every respect. As you are finding out our technology is thousands of years ahead of yours, but we will be pleased to share it with you. That is a feature of the members of the Galactic Federation inasmuch that sharing of knowledge is commonplace, and it is not held back to gain an advantage over another one. On Earth you are used to holding onto information and even stealing it from each other to gain power. ..."

Dienstag, 5. Juni 2012

Galactic Federation Of Light SaLuSa June 04 2012

"... So Dear Ones do not spend your time in fear of the coming period, and bear the consequences knowing it is all for your good. Rather look at the changes as sweeping the Earth clear of its blemishes and ugly spots, so that it can once more be restored. Bear in mind that you too are being cleansed in a similar way, to release any vibrations that cannot be taken with you into the higher ones. Much of it happens without your knowledge, but you can contribute by having a life style that lends itself to purifying your body and mind. Your choice of food is an important factor from the point of view of your health. Try to move away from processed foods and towards fresh produce. This way you will avoid many chemicals that would otherwise be ingested and remain as toxins in your body. Where possible include raw food in your diet and benefit from the energies that they carry. Drink plenty of water to keep the organs of your body cleansed, and avoid carbonated drinks if possible.
   In the future because your body vibrations will have been lifted up, you will no longer be attracted or need the heavier foods. Your needs will be considerably less, as you will replenish them by taking more of the energy that is around you. It is only in the lower vibrations that you need your meats, and you will find that gradually they do not satisfy you. Eating is a pleasure and we still indulge but nowhere to the extent that you do at present. We would not dream of putting your type of foodstuffs into our bodies. However, for the time being you need to sustain your bodies and get your energy from your traditional foods, but you can try to introduce changes that take you towards more natural and purer ones. ..."

Montag, 4. Juni 2012

Engelbotschaft vom 04. bis 10. Juni 2012 - Conny Koppers

Danke, Conny, wird also eine spannende Woche! Mit der Kraft des Herzens aufschwingen in die 5. Dimension. Das wollen wir doch alle. ... Ich bin das reine Licht der Liebe ... Venus schiebt sich am 6. 6. zwischen Sonne und Erde. Zugang zur geistigen Woche ist sehr offen, lasst uns einschwingen.

Monatsbotschaft für Juni 2012 - Lady Nada

Danke Conny und Lady Nada!

Samstag, 2. Juni 2012

Galactic Federation Of Light SaLuSa June 01 2012

"... As people have awakened to the Light within, so the Light quotient upon Earth has increased exponentially and has reached a powerful level. The result is such that the lower vibrations are being transmuted, and that a far greater level of consciousness exists than before. It means that all of the planning and hard work to raise such levels has been a great success. Suddenly more of you are receptive to the new ideas that are being put forward, that will lift your civilization up and out of the dark period that you have just gone through. The idea of dramatic changes to your life, ingrained habits and beliefs, is suddenly being welcomed, as you can see the benefits it will bring. Nothing comes without some sacrifices, but as we have often informed you, it is all for your future happiness and wellbeing. ...!

Freitag, 1. Juni 2012

Roy Black - Frag' Maria 1991

Auch Roy Black ist irgendwann auf Maria gestoßen, und war dankbar für ihre Hilfe. Wie schön!

Sheldan Nidle - May 31, 2012

Sheldan Nidle - May 31, 2012

"... We are carefully coordinating these many activities with the Agarthans as well as your Ascended Masters. This mission is about full consciousness and the return of your precious solar system to the Light. All of you possess a special destiny which will be honored by the Light, and thus it is important that your dark rulers be legally plucked from their many thrones of power. The source of this power is a highly corrupt financial system coupled with fiat currencies that are used daily to maintain this power. The holders of these monies are a group of interlocked banks and their governmental associates, and this network has produced so much debt that it has reached a point of no return. We mention this again to explain two vital points: first, the cabal has run out of options to prevent an immense collapse. Second, this collapse will open up opportunities to move your reality down a new path. This we are fully prepared to achieve, and so the moment of your liberation swiftly approaches. ..."