Dienstag, 10. April 2012

Galactic Federation Of Light Archangel Uriel April 09 2012

"... Each of you has been given special gifts unique to you. No two are the same. It is up to each of you to discover your gifts, to learn to utilize them and most importantly to feel as though you deserve them. If this feeling does not exist within you, then you will not truly realize your most important gift which is the divinity within each and every one of you. This is your birthright. All of you came to this earth at this time to realize these truths and to share your gifts and to assist the Earth and her inhabitants at this time. You eagerly volunteered for this mission. We know that many of you are having difficulty now - we see it, we feel it - even some who seem together and very spiritual or enlightened. It can be difficult to remain centered with the significant bursts of energy and Light that you are experiencing during these times. But, it is even more important that you who are reading this - the awakened ones - try your best to remain centered and be the wayshowers that you came here to be. ..."

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