Mittwoch, 28. März 2012

Galactic Federation Of Light The Arcturian Group March 27 2012

"... See the Divine in others and remember who you and they are even if they themselves have no interest in knowing this. Do this for those you see on the newscasts, and in your newspapers, and as you go about your normal day. Recognize the Divine plan in everything around you. These small steps gradually change your state of consciousness and lead to the full awakening. It will not appear as a huge blast of energy that blows you into a new world without any effort on your part. One is not “saved” simply by declaring it so. You create the new world with every thought, word, and action lived in truth and understanding of whom and what is real. This is the spiritual journey. Yes, things on earth are speeding up now, and more and more opportunities are available for you to practice living each moment from a place of truth and centering, and that is how it is done.
   There will be changes you will soon see in your government and the governments of other countries. Many are going to be leaving and the more enlightened will be put in their place. ..."

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