Donnerstag, 5. September 2013

Sheldan Nidle - September 3, 2013

Sheldan Nidle - September 3, 2013

"... Once you no longer need to worry about essential goods and services, you are free to turn your attention fully to the creation and running of your society. You will be liberated from the stressful exigencies of survival which the dark milked to the full in order to control you by reducing you to the apathy of slavery. Apathy is a product of the old order and will vanish from your mindset as the new reality takes hold. Your new reality, which is appearing around you, needs your enthusiastic engagement and input. It is to be the fertile ground out of which your galactic society will form, and where each member creatively contributes to the whole. This is a natural process for which Heaven has simply provided a divine blueprint. Each society takes this template and modifies it according to its respective inclination. As a result, each star-nation becomes a reason to celebrate as its members employ their joint, creative talents to produce a galactic society that 'works.' When you reach this point we will introduce you to a panoply of possible versions from which to create your own unique adaptation. We can see that this grand plan is to deliver something truly magnificent! ..."

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