Sonntag, 5. Februar 2012

Galactic Federation Of Light Archangel Michael February 04 2012

"... I am the extended Will of God, coming with the highest Cleansing Blue Fire of the Heavens. Close your Eyes, and try to SENSE, where any such attaching chords are at in your Chakras and Body. Most of the time, when you have difficulty sensing it clearly, I advise you to start with your third Eye, as mentioned. Then, you see and sense more clear, and go to the next step by sensing where else you feel a darkening energy, grey or black or dark brown, it can look individually different in your mind. Then, clearly ask me, ARCHANGEL MICHAEL, to use my Blue Fire to cleanse it for you. Decide for yourself, when doing this, clearly in your Mind/Free Will, that you ALLOW ME TO HELP YOU AND OPEN UP YOUR HEART TOWARD ME.
Then, I can step in and cleanse any attachment or negative energy from all of your Being.
Keep looking toward the Light- very good Times are coming to Planet Earth! ..."

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